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We’re sourcing it all! Let us know what you’re looking for!
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Simple yet gorgeously installed weathered teak wall art.
Thank you @michelerenaultrutt for another inspiring picture!
Now taking orders for Spring 2025! Contact us for info on how to order and a link to our gallery!

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Such a fun sculpture from one of our favorite artisans in Bali. Thank you @michelerenaultrutt for the picture!
Now taking orders for Spring 2025! Contact us for info on how to order and a link to our gallery!

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⚠️ Warning! This latest install photo is highly captivating!! Now taking orders for Spring 2025- contact us for pricing and a link to our gallery.

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I don’t know what we love more in this customer photo- the Big Mango teak root console, the gorgeous stone wall, or the sweet pup Buttercup. Yeah, the dog!
Contact us for a link to our gallery and for more information on how to order!
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This swimmer is ready to dive into the weekend!!! Contact us for information on how to order this piece and a link to our gallery!
#web #personalshopper #boutiqueshopping #landscapedesign #outdoorliving #globalvibes #dallasshopping #designerfinds #petrifiedwood #petrifiedwoodtable #yardart #benches #statuary #contemporarysculpture #organicsculpture #moderndesign #swim#metalsculpture #pooldesign #divers @curtismoving

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